Activity 2
Select a cause and effect word to complete each sentence.
Eyes Up Front is activated. Students cannot interact with English Stars. Deactivate
Select a cause and effect word to complete each sentence.
This is a knowledge-based activity and may include multiple-choice questions, or require students to write short answers or select the correct words.
For students who complete this activity online, it will be automatically marked for you because there is only one correct answer for each question.
When completing the activity online, students will need to select Begin Activity to get started, and then submit the answer to each question before continuing to the next. As a teacher, you can also begin and see each question. In addition, you can see the answers by selecting the Show Correct Answer check box. If you want to skip to a different question, select that question in the number strip above the question area.
Students will see instant verification of each answer they submit. Once they have completed all the questions, they will be offered a second attempt at any they answered incorrectly. Students who get every question right on their first attempt of an Activity 1 will be fast-tracked to the Extension activity (if one is included in this module). Otherwise, students will be prompted to attempt Activity 2 to consolidate their learning by answering similar questions.
This feature is not available in demo mode. To access more features, sign up for a Free Trial.
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